1. What is your middle name?: Michele. My mother spelled it this way because she said I wasn’t going to say :Miche-lie”
2. What was favorite subject at school?: I loved History and Art. I still love both and read about history all the time. In fact my two favorite networks are The History Channel and DIY Network
3. What is your favorite drink?: Coffee and Tea for everyday. I can’t live without my coffee! For a night out it’s always captain and diet
4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: My all time favorite song is Wind Beneath my Wings by Bette Midler
5. What is your favorite food?: Chinese, I can’t get enough of it!
6. What is the last thing you bought?: Food, you know a girl needs to eat
7. Favorite book of all time?: I read too many books to choose one. I love any historical fiction books and political thrillers.
8. Favorite Color?: My favorite color is blue. The color of this vase is the shade of blue I like
9. Do you have any pets?: I have a cat, named Kisses. She’s spoiled and I think of her as my kid. Eventually I hope to also get a dog.
10. Favorite Perfume?: My favorite perfume is Dark Vanilla. I also love a perfume I got to review once it’s Denise Richards perfume and you can check out my review here.
11. Favorite Holiday?: I love Halloween and Thanksgiving really it’s because I love the fall season and dressing up! I haven’t been able to really celebrate the last couple of years, but I’m hoping that will change soon.
12. Are you married?: No, I would like to someday if I meet the right person.
13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: I have been to Canada, but since I live in Michigan I don’t count that so really no.
14. Do you speak any other language?:No, but I want to learn Italian and ASL (American sign language)
15. How many siblings do you have?: I am one of five. I have four sisters, a brother and I now also have three brothers in law.
16. What is your favorite shop?: Kohls and Joanne I love them both because I can find amazing deals at both.
17. Favorite restaurant?: National Chain wise I love noodles and company and TGI Fridays. There is a great local Chinese buffet and steakhouse that I really love!
18. When was the last time you cried?: A couple of days ago. My depression and anxiety got the best of me.
19. Favorite Blog?: Too many to list! I love them all for different reasons.
20. Favorite Movie?: Pride and Prejudice With Kara Knightly
21. Favorite TV shows?: I have a small list!
- Once upon a time
- Downton Abby
- Big Bang Theory
- Switched at Birth
- How to get away with murder
22. PC or Mac?: PC HP to be exact
23. What phone do you have?: I have a Samsung Galaxy s6 edge
24. How tall are you?: 5’6″
25. Can you cook?: Yes, I love to cook and I really hope to start getting more recipes up to share with you all!
I hope you enjoyed learning about me! If you decide to post these questions on your blog, leave a link below I would love to learn more about you! If you don’t have a blog, go ahead and choose a couple of questions and answer them in the comments!
Have a great day
BBT and HTGAWM are 2 of my favorite shows also … and Chinese food is always good 🙂 do you ever go for dim sum?
Thanks for sharing! Did you see Pride and Prejudice & Zombies is supposed to be made into a movie this year? LOL
Thanks for sharing this set of questions and your answers too. Love to know more info from our fellow bloggers!
I did see that. It looks very interesting. 🙂
My favorite shops at Kohl’s, Target, and Stitch Fix. I have two furry friends.
Very cool! I love any version of Pride and Prejudice.
I love How to Get Away with Murder too. Starting the second season soon… 🙂
Thanks for the great Q&A! I’ll answer a couple here –
I’ve only ever been to Canada, but also being in Michigan, it doesn’t feel like another country really. I don’t even have a passport, but I need to get one. My husband is from England, so me and the kids really need passports and to visit at some point.
I have FIVE cats and one dog. The cats all just kind of… happened. We only purposefully brought one into the home, and that was before the last 3 who were all stray kittens who chose us.
I love Once Upon a Time and How to Get Away with Murder, too! Other shows I love are Psych (so sad that’s over), Supernatural and Game of Thrones.