When you are looking to boost your workouts and support your body as you reach your goals, you want to make sure that any supplements you add to your diet are beneficial and contain the right level of support for your needs.
Sadly not all supplements are created equally. In the US, the supplement industry is poorly regulated, meaning you cannot always be sure the supplements you are using contain what it is supposed to or even what it says on the label. And to further complicate matters, the price you pay doesn’t always guarantee quality.
So what should you be looking for in your supplements to ensure they are of the best quality?

Protein Powder
Ideally, you want to go for whey protein isolate. Noto only is it easier to absorb in the body, but it is a complete protein. Your protein powder should also have 3% of your daily carbs requirement, and this can aid in the absorption of amino acids and be unsweetened. Most definitely avoid artificial sweeteners.
Muscle growth requires progressive resistance or strength exercise. This process requires energy, and creatine is a significant source of energy. To make progress and support the changes, you need to consume creatine.
Ensure that the powder you choose contains micronized creatine monohydrate (jot down all of that information if necessary) and has the NSF mark on the label. Just make sure you’re getting in some carbohydrates along with your creatine intake. They aid in the absorption of the supplement by your muscles. Also, choose powder over pills and liquid form too.
The amino acids included in branched-chain proteins serve as the building blocks of protein. Your body requires these amino acids to rebuild and generate new muscle tissue. There are 20, with 11 being produced by the human body in its natural state. On the other hand, the other nine are not made by the body; they must be obtained from diet or supplementation.
BCAAs can reduce fatigue, help you to burn more fat, and reduce DOMS. Choose a no added sugar variety and look for higher quantities in the 2:1:1 ratio (2 parts leucine, 1 part isoleucine, and 1 part valine).
Fish Oil
When it comes to Omega 3 oils, fish oil has a disproportionately high concentration, which makes it a potent natural anti-inflammatory that can make the difference between running one mile and laying down five. It will aid in the alleviation of joint and muscular discomfort and is essential to the recuperation procedure.
You want to look out for the EPA and DHA fatty acids along with triglycerides (TG). Check the concentration levels of all fatty acids in your fish oil to ensure a higher quality product.
Each different supplement can make up wild and unsubstantiated claims about the benefits of including them, but knowing what to look for in your fitness supplements can help you make the right choices for you. Opt for more natural ingredients, and terms such as “grass-fed” and “vegan” can still offer you a healthier alternative.