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4 Ways To Find Time To Relax

Self-care should be an important part of your life. You need to be able to look after yourself to ensure that you can help others and do everything else in your life to the best of your ability.

Relaxing is an excellent form of self-care, but many people find it difficult to switch off from the busyness of their lives so that they can live in the present and relax. Below are some ideas for how you can switch off and allow yourself the time that you need to relax:


Dedicating a small amount of time to mindfulness every day can help you to feel less stressed and worried about the future and help you to focus on the present and improve your mental wellbeing.

Allowing yourself to become aware of the present moment and concentrate on what is going on inside and outside of yourself can help you to enjoy more of the world and to understand yourself better. 

There are many ways that you can become more mindful in your everyday life. You can pick a time every day where you sit and notice what is going on around you, and all the small things that would usually pass you by.

It also helps to take note of your thoughts as well. You can do this when you are sitting or when you are doing another activity such as walking or yoga. Journalling is also something that might help you to collect your thoughts. 

Put away your phone

It can be difficult to relax if you find yourself endlessly scrolling through your social media or checking your emails. Group chats buzzing every few minutes can also draw you away from well-needed relaxation.

It can do you some good to put your phone away for a little bit. It could be something that you do once a week, or you could put your phone away half an hour before bed. 

If you can’t have your phone away from you, maybe you could compromise by turning off your email notifications and muting group chats while you are at home. 

Find a hobby

Finding a hobby that you enjoy can be a great way to switch off and relax. Hobbies that you can spend a bit of time doing at home are great. You could color, paint, build, bake, or knit!

Whatever takes your fancy! If you want to take it to the next level, you could join a class or find a group of like-minded people. It doesn’t matter what the hobby is, but it should allow you to relax and take your mind off everything else.

Create a bedtime routine

One of the best ways to relax after a long day is a bedtime routine that can help you to wind down and fall asleep more easily.

You could have a bath and a warm drink, use some topical CBD products that can help relieve any aches or pains, or have a skincare routine that you do every night. Whatever you do, this routine could help you to properly wind down so that you can have a night of restorative sleep.

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