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5 Great Communities for Bloggers to Network


I have been a blogger for about 8 years now and I have found most of the time new bloggers or even experienced ones just are not sure where to go to get support and help with blogging. I wanted to share a few sites I use because they are not just for mom’s (I am not a mom) and they are not just for tech or how to blog people.

Blog Friendly PR

One of my favorites, even thought it has been slow this year is BlogfriendlyPR. They have an amazing forum that has a great group of people who do truly want to help. If you pay for the upgrade, just $5 a month, you can get some great PR contacts and other information to make you a better blogger.


This is a great community to grow your blog, boost your readership and find some great review product and promotions! sverve does require some interaction before you see a lot of opportunities you can apply for, but it’s worth the time and effort.

Pitch it To Me

This is another great group of bloggers that also can help you get some amazing contacts and of course network. Pitch it to me is part of the Ning Network and they are really very helpful. Just like the other groups listed you can find some amazing blogging tips and opportunities.

4 Sponser

This one is not really a community, but it’s a great site to check out for a few opportunities. They have some great giveaways and product reviews available. I am new to 4 Sponser but I have done one opportunity so far and I am pleased with the results.


This one is by far the best out of the group if your looking for reviews and sponsored opportunities. This is not really a community, but IZEA has been around for a long time and they are really a great company. They offer Sponsored Tweets, post, Facebook and instagram among other things. They are just launching their new site so I’m excited to see where this growing company is going!

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