We all want to have beautiful skin. We see the models, actors, and influencers and their clean, soft, wrinkle-free skin and think, ‘How do they do it?’ Even with the ever-increasing trend of celebrity skincare tutorials on YouTube, and plenty of how-tos about different skin types and brands, the world of skincare remains a total mystery to most people.
Beauty standards are ever-increasing in the 21st Century, and with them have arrived an array of myths and legends about how to take care of your skin. Spend a few hours on various skincare websites, and you are bound to find conflicting advice about what not to do with your skin.
So how can you know what works? With skincare experts and even doctors giving out advice that vastly differs, it’s so difficult to know which products, and which routines, are the best for you. There are some myths, however, which are widely believed and can be damaging to those who take their word for it. Here are six skincare myths you need to watch out for!

One Size Fits All
Any skincare brand that tells you that their product works for ALL skin types is a very big red flag. There are various different skin types that have a range of needs. Learning your skin type is the first step to understanding how your skin will react to certain ingredients and products.
For example, if you have oily skin, certain products which are more suited to dry skin will further increase the oil and bacteria spread on your face. Likewise, those with dry skin should stay far away from products that strip their skin of its natural oil. This can cause further damage and be detrimental to your skin cells.
There is no one-size-fits-all formula for your skin. Although in a dream world, all products would make your skin glowing and clear, it just isn’t the case.
Washing Your Face Is Bad For You
There’s a lot of talking online about washing your face. Typically, most people will wash their face at least once a day, mostly twice a day. Some people swear that washing your face in a strict routine is the answer to all your skin problems; others will claim that it is making your skin worse.
For those who struggle with acne, they often ask, does washing your face cause acne? The short answer is no, it doesn’t. Although some products, when used on acne-prone, oily skin, can actually increase your face’s oil production and therefore make your acne worse, this does not apply to all face washes.
Go Ahead And Squeeze Your Spots
There is a rising trend on the internet that is a little squeamish. This trend is spot-popping videos. While doctors and dermatologists sometimes elect to burst pus-filled abscesses and spots, based on their expertise, in general, squeezing your spots is actually worse for your skin in the long run!
Spots are essentially capsules of bacteria and oil. When left to their own devices, they generally go away on their own. You can apply creams that dry them out, causing them to disappear faster.
However, if you aggravate the spot by squeezing it with your fingers and forcing the bacteria out, you leave the bacteria-ridden spot, which is now a small open wound, exposed to further bacteria and infection. Best to leave them alone, however tempting it is to satisfyingly pop it!

Oil Cleansing Is Bad For Oily Skin
Oil cleansing has become ever-more popular in recent years. Oil cleansing is usually the first step of what is usually called a ‘double cleanse.’
Here’s how oil cleansing works: you apply the cleansing oil to your dry face, on top of makeup or just your bare face. You massage the oil cleanser on your face, and as you do so, it binds with the oils that are already lying on the surface of your skin – be it foundation and concealer, or just your built-up oils and bacteria from going about your day. Apply water, and the oil turns into a milky substance that washes away and leaves your face feeling clean and new.
Of course, if you’ve got oily skin, you might think that there’s no way you’re doing that! Adding oil to oily skin sounds like a recipe for acne. However, research shows that oil cleansing actually benefits those with oily skin types.
The oil cleanser combines with, then washes away, the oil your skin has produced and the bacteria that sits in it – without stripping your pores and forcing your face to produce more oil. Try it out – it might be your skincare miracle!
Sunscreen Is Just For Summertime
When you go on vacation, one important thing you mustn’t forget is your sunscreen. Everybody knows that burning your skin in the sun is painful, unsightly, and can cause devastating consequences down the line. It makes sense to apply copious amounts of sunscreen when you go on vacation to a hot, sunny location. But is that all?
Even if you live somewhere cold and rainy, it’s worth investing in a good-quality sunscreen/moisturizer combination. However, if you’ve never been the type to apply sunscreen every day and have accumulated some sun spots as a result thereof, there are a few ways to naturally get rid of sunspots. It’s important to go the natural route as much as possible so you can minimize the effects the products have on your skin overall. Natural products also tend to supplement the skin with vitamins and minerals, so it’s generally a much better option.
Actually, sunscreen should be applied to your face every day. Many quality moisturizers now contain SPF, so you are moisturizing and protecting your skin in one step. Daily sunscreen protects the thin, delicate skin on your face from the sun’s rays. Even if you live somewhere cold and rainy, it’s worth investing in a good-quality sunscreen/moisturizer combination.
Scrub, Scrub, Scrub!
Exfoliation is so satisfying, right? Many people find exfoliation so much fun, and end up scrubbing their face every single day. This is actually terrible for your skin. Exfoliation takes away all the dead skin cells and bacteria – it has a deep-cleaning effect.
If you deep-clean every single day, however, your face will be stripped of all its natural oils which are there to protect and cleanse it. Your skin might react to daily scrubbing by producing more sebum and oil, which then necessitates more scrubbing. It’s a vicious cycle – and one that’s best avoided at all costs.
Getting Skin Treatments will Hurt
This is another myth you need to watch out for. The adage ‘no pain no gain’ applies perfectly to going to the gym and working out. If you don’t work out and feel your muscles pull and stretch, the workout may not have been effective.
This saying does not apply to skin treatment. Research shows that most people do not prefer seeing a skin specialist for various skin treatments as they are afraid of experiencing pain during the procedure. Sure, you might experience a little discomfort during procedures such as skin extraction, but they will not cause any pain.
One of the most painless skin treatments is light therapy. This is a process that can get done in a medical facility or at-home treatment. It has proved to be painless and effective that doctors are applying it for genital herpes treatment. In fact, light therapy helps in reducing pain associated with this STI. Therefore, you should consider regular skin treatments as they aren’t painful at all!