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7 of the best 2019 health trends

Trends change like the weather- clothing, home improvements and decor, and the wonderful advancing world of health and wellness trends. 2019 saw some interesting new trends in health and wellness. 

What’s clear is that Millennials and Gen Z folk are hyper into keeping track of their health and are keen to pay the premium to get the best- whether that’s through investing in a smartwatch that tracks their activities, caloric intake and heartbeat. They’re even more invested in spending more money on their food and drink, opting for natural and organic wholefoods. 

Let’s take a look at some of these trends and talk about what is set to stay in 2020, and what we’re leaving behind. 

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Intuitive Eating 

With previous years having so much focus on restriction and following plans, the concept of eating intuitively is a refreshing change for dieters all over the planet.

For those of you who haven’t heard of this before, the phenomenon of Intuitive Eating is a bold contrast to calorie-restrictive diets and cleanses. It’s about listening to your body’s hunger signals and fulfilling cravings- stopping eating when satisfied. For people who have followed diets for years, who are fearful of the temptation to overindulge, this may be a little triggering to follow. However, for those who have simply had enough of diet culture, this is the freedom they have been waiting for. 

CBD Products 

From spoonfuls of oils to wellness drinks and hair treatments, there’s no denying that CBD is a hot wellness trend of the moment. It’s important to read about different brands and keep yourself informed along the way, but there’s no denying the popularity of this health trend.

With the backing of A list celebrities, CBD (the cannabis compound cannabidiol that does not contain the element that makes you high) is taken for a variety of reasons, such as for pain relief and helping with anxiety. 

These products are readily available in stores and online. Make sure to find a registered dispensary near me to get an authentic range of products. 

Natural and Technology-based Fertility Tracking 

For decades now, women have been taking control of their family planning. Be it by taking hormonal contraception or using non-hormonal options such as the copper IUD. Many women are choosing to opt for the latter, in addition to tracking devices designed to either encourage or prevent conception. 

These trackers help women to assess their body temperature, sleep patterns, and stress hormone levels, which all indicate toward a woman’s peak fertile time. There are many available on the market at the moment, and there are set to be many more introduced into the new decade. 

Food Subscription Boxes 

With a vast range of food delivery services available for quite some time, it’s easy to think that we’re losing the art of cooking. Enter food subscription services. These handy boxes deliver all of the raw ingredients and recipe cards to create delicious home-cooked meals, without the hassle of going to the store. 

They are available to cater to a variety of dietary requirements such as; vegetarian, vegan, gluten or dairy-free diets, making it easier than ever to experiment in the kitchen.

At present, there are many options available, why not gift a couple of boxes to one of your foodie friends


It’s no secret that mindfulness is the foundation of a healthy body. More and more people are choosing to focus on their mental health, and small mindful habits can do great things for one’s overall wellbeing.

The change can be as small as putting your phone away during social situations, or making the time to go for a walk and spending some extra time outside- there are many simple ways to make sure you can reap the benefits of being more present and ‘in the moment.’ 

Tongue Scaping 

Dubbed as ‘the new dry-brushing’ it is another oral hygiene ritual designed to rid your mouth of the toxins that rise to the surface of the tongue during sleep. Our mouths contain the debris of food, drink, and other bacteria which can develop into dangerous toxins. Tongue scraping gets rid of them once and for all.

Online Health and Wellbeing Coaching 

People are busy, but still, realize the importance of wellbeing. Virtual training and coaching is one of the biggest trends of the age, allowing people to receive personal training and coaching from the comfort of their own homes. Doing this can help beginners and gym-phobics access the benefits of exercise without having to step into a gym. 

Online coaching goes beyond offering workout videos online- it offers bespoke coaching in anything from diet plans to lifting and even helping to navigate difficult emotional situations though online therapies. 

Which of these trends do you think will make it into 2020?

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