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8 Clever Ways To Put More Money Away Before Christmas

Are you thinking about Christmas? You’re not the only one! The big day isn’t too far away now, and putting extra money away is something that seems attractive to most people. You want to feel financially secure over the holidays. Below, you’ll find 8 clever ways to put more money away that could help you. Take a look, and make sure you get started now:

Start A Side Hustle

You might think it’s a bit late to start a side hustle, but it really doesn’t have to be anything fancy. In fact with the rise of easy to join contract work you can do shopping for others with services like shipt. You could drive people around with Uber or Lyft and you could be a delivery person with Grubhub.

If your not into that type of work there are other things you could do to make some extra cash. You could offer to sew old clothing for people if you have a sewing machine and a little skill. You could start a dog walking or pet sitting service as well. You don’t need to learn a brand new skill to make money on the side. 

Ask For Extra Hours At Work

If you’d rather not start a side hustle, you could always ask for more hours at work. This is a great idea as it can help you later on with that promotion. Asking for extra hours is a great way to show that you enjoy your job or that you are willing to put in hard work.

Don’t worry if this isn’t an option or sounds unappealing to you, as there are other options that don’t require you to spend too much time away from your family in the run-up to the festivities. 

Sell Your Old Junk

Go through your things and sell your old junk. If you have old pieces of jewelry, clothing, and other items that you no longer use, people may buy these as gifts for their loved ones. See if you can sell to people in your area on Facebook so you can avoid selling/postage fees. If you can’t, then move on to eBay, Depop, and similar sites. You may need to wait a little while to get interested, but it’ll help you to make some money eventually. Don’t leave your stuff lying around! 


Stop Impulse Spending 

Now is a great time to stop impulse spending. All of those little purchases add up. Make your own lunch, rather than buy it out. Make your own coffee too. Get smart about how stores encourage you to buy with clever campaigns and marketing. 

The biggest way you can save money is to make a budget so you know what you are spending. Make sure you do this during the holidays and set a budget for each person you are buying for. Spend more on close family and less on others.

See If You Can Save On Your Bills

Take a look at your budget and see if you can save on your bills. Perhaps you could get a better car insurance deal, or have money knocked off your electricity bill. There are many ways to save money on bills. You just have to know where to look. If your low income there are also many programs to help you do a search in your state to find these. This is something you should always keep an eye on. 

Have A DIY Christmas

Have a DIY Christmas this year. DIY Christmases are great because you really put more thought and effort into what you are making. YOu can make gifts from paper, random things around the house or check out thrift stores for items you can repurpose. For decorations you can also check out the thrift stores and popcorn is always a decor hit at the holidays. When you make that budget we talked about earlier make sure to budget in a few decorations or to buy DIY items.

8 Clever Ways To Put More Money Away Before Christmas

Plan To Purchase Larger Items In The Sales

The Black Friday sales are coming up, so if there are any larger items you were going to purchase, plan to buy them then. The sales can go on for up to a week, so you should be able to find a good deal. If you can’t buy something during the sale, consider buying it during the January sales instead. 

Avoid The Extras You Don’t Need

Don’t be tempted to splurge on extras that nobody notices. Avoid the Christmas dinner trimmings nobody will notice, brand new decorations every year, and the small stocking filler gifts that will be used once and thrown away.

When you think about what you are spending your money on you will start to see that there are many things you may not need and that are things not worth the money on. Once you start seeing things that way it will be so much easier to do your holiday shopping without going over your budget.

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  1. Pingback: linux smarts3 Ways To Boost Your Mood When Spending Christmas Alone

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