They say that your 20s are the time to make mistakes and that your 30s are for learning the lessons. What bad health habits to stop is something you’ll certainly learn about your health during your 30’s. In your 30’s your health can provide you with a bit of a wake-up call, you’re no longer as spry as you used to be and you feel things a little bit more, but that’s ok. Your 30s should be a time when you start taking your health seriously – it’s easy to take for granted something that can so easily be lost.
It’s never too early to start taking better care of your health, so why not start now? Here are some bad health habits to stop in your 30s to help your future.

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Burning the candle at both ends
It’s easy enough to live a lifestyle of partying and no sleep in your 20s. Where does the energy come from? However, keeping up that behavior in your 30s will lead to moodiness, wrinkles and an empty savings account. The key to getting more sleep is to go to bed at a reasonable time and establish an effective pre-bed ritual. Cut down on the late nights and make sure you get around 8 hours a night of quality sleep.
A half-hearted approach to exercise
When you’re in your teens and 20s, your metabolism can make it easy for you to enjoy eating what you want without having to move much. That will change in your 30s. Exercise is important to keep your heart healthy, and help you keep the weight down too. Ease yourself in with some beginner HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts and you’ll soon notice a difference in your energy and fitness. Establish a good fitness routine and make sure you exercise regularly.

Eating non-stop takeout and junk food
It’s all too easy to rely on a diet of takeout and junk food, especially if you’re always on the go. If the scales haven’t told you already, this is a downward spiral towards becoming overweight. Start being more of a grown-up by cooking for yourself and making sure that you eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and protein. You’ll soon notice your jeans feeling looser, while your wallet will thank you too.
Being reckless with your hearing and eyesight
Spending too long staring at a screen will have consequences for your eyesight while listening to music for too long and too loud could cause problems with your hearing. While these issues can be fixed with glasses and a hearing aid, do you really want it to come to that? Screen breaks, music breaks and using tech in a healthy, way will help you avoid serious, preventable problems later on in life.
If you take a look in the mirror and be honest with yourself – are you really as healthy as you could be? Do you have bad health habits you need to stop? There could be some clear signs that you need to take care of your health. Ditch the bad habits and change your ways to take a better approach to your health in your 30s and look forward to a brighter future.