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#BeMyself, My best Self Always

I am going to be 35 next month. I have never had a boyfriend, I still don’t own a home and I am now unemployed. This is not where I wanted to be at this point in my life. I thought I would have a family and be running around taking kids here and there. I would have my own home and be in a career I love. I did not see myself single, struggling to make ends meet and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life when it comes to my career. I feel that I am not my best self.

I find myself sometimes thinking about how I will never measure up, I will never be as good as other people I know. I started to compare myself to my friends and others I know. It made me realize that we women always seem to stress out about not being the best as other people would see us. We compare ourselves to others and think we need to be better, look better, be thinner, be bigger, be shorter or be taller. The truth is we really just need to be ourselves and love who we are, but I think we as women don’t always know who we are.

We look at magazines and TV and think we need to look just like them, we need to be like them and though it’s great to have people to look up to, I think instead of being inspired by them we decide we want to be exactly like them and it’s an unrealistic dream. Instead we need to look at ourselves and figure out who we are.

That is why I am working on myself, figuring out what I want to do right now. I have plans for the future as well, but I need to do what makes me happy. I want to invite you my women readers (and men too if you feel a bit lost) to work on what makes you happy now. Lets live a little in the moment and be our best self always.  I will be working on some motivating post and ideas or challenges for everyone. I will post them here and some on my Facebook page and twitter. I also want to invite anyone who has a blog to do a post themselves and send me the link. I want to feature other bloggers who feel the same as I do.

I would love to start a #bemyself movement. Who is with me?

Comment: Share one thing that you love about yourself.

Share: Share this post with people you know who need to be uplifted.

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