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Book Review: Secrets at Court

Anne of Stamford has long been the keeper of her mistress’s secrets, but when Lady Joan marries the king’s son, court life becomes ever more perilous. Sir Nicholas Lovayne has arrived to uncover the truth about Lady Joan’s past, and Anne must do something—anything—to throw him off….

Longing to escape the intrigues at court, Nicholas hasn’t counted on the way Anne distracts him—her refusal to accept pity for her clubfoot touches something deep inside him. Will he be able to follow his duty when every fiber of his being tells him to protect Anne?

Royal Weddings
A hint of scandal this way comes!

My Review of Secrets at Court

This was a very fun book to read as you know little about why Ann is hiding anything, but you know there is a reason, the rest of the characters do not. It’s really a fun read that is set is such a wonderful era.

What I love most is that Ann is not a normal women, she has some physical limitations, something that most people during this time had to deal with on their own and not in a pleasant way. People with limitations of any sort were looked down on, mostly homeless and many did not live very long. This adds something more to this story that makes you feel so much more for Ann, not in a sympathetic way, but you admire her strength even more.

This is a wonderful book for anyone who likes an historical setting. This is not a romance book though and really the story focuses more on Ann and her learning that she is so much more then she thought she could ever be.

Buy it now on Amazon.com

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