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Coming Up With the Perfect Skincare Routine for Your Skin Type

We all want fresh, healthy, and glowing skin. But sometimes, this is easier said than done. You may find that your skin isn’t cooperating and you’re finding yourself with constant problems with your complexion. If you want to get onto the road to clear and cleansed skin, here are a few steps that you can take to help you along the way!

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Identify Your Skin Type

If you’re looking to create the perfect skin routine, it’s time to identify your skin type. Now, if you visited a doctor or dermatologist, they may have already done this on your behalf.

But if you’re only starting your journey at this step, it’s actually pretty simple to identify your skin type once you know what the different skin types are. The skin types are generally split into four different categories. These are “normal” skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin.

  1. “Normal” skin – in spite of the name, very few people actually have “normal” skin naturally. This is considered the “ideal” skin type. When you have “normal” skin, you have a balanced complexion. There aren’t any specific or notable problems. Instead, you just have smooth blemish free skin.
  1. Oily skin – next up, we have oily skin. When you have oily skin, your skin produces too much sebum. This will give your skin a greasy, oily or “wet” look and feel. You may also notice that you have visible pores.
  1. Dry skin – if you have dry skin, you have the opposite problem to oily skin. Dry skin doesn’t produce enough sebum. This results in dryness, a feeling of tightness and even flaking. Your skin may also look and feel rough and dull.
  1. Combination skin – combination skin falls between all of the different skin types. You may find that you have “normal” skin in some areas, oily skin in some areas and dry skin in some areas. For example, you could have an oily T zone and dry cheeks.

Find the Right Products for You

Once you’ve found out your skin type, you can start to plan your skincare routine. Find the right products for you! If you have oily skin, look for products targeted at oily skin. If you have dry skin, consider dry skin cream. It’s a good idea to find a good:

  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Moisturiser

These are the three main products that you should be using. Once you’ve found these, you can move on to more specialist products, like face masks, eye creams, exfoliators and more.

Seek Professional Help

Of course, if you have ongoing issues with your skin that you can’t seem to resolve with skin type appropriate products, it may be time to seek out professional help. A doctor or dermatologist will be able to formally diagnose skin conditions and prescribe the right products and care to clear them up. For example, if you are diagnosed with acne, they can prescribe specialist creams or even antibiotics to clear the spots up.

This journey may be lengthy and you may have to go through a fair amount of trial and error to find what works for you. But once you get there, your efforts will all be more than worth it!

This content was origonally published on HollybeeTells.com

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