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Common Causes of Headaches and How To Treat Them

Headaches are one of the most common health complaints. Unfortunately, many different things can cause them, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating them. Sometimes they’re just a minor annoyance that will go away on their own in an hour or two. But, other times, headaches can be serious enough to require medical attention. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common causes for headache pain – everything from stress to sinus pressure – as well as how you should treat your headache when it strikes!

Common causes of headaches


When you are dehydrated, your body may not have enough water to circulate blood through the brain properly, and this can cause a headache. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that you don’t get too thirsty while working outside during the summertime – bring some water along with you wherever you go! 

Sinus Pressure

Sinus pressure is another very common cause of headache pain. When your sinuses are inflamed, it can put pressure on the nerves in your face that run to your brain, and this can result in a terrible headache. If you suffer from chronic seasonal allergies, these symptoms may become worse during allergy season when the pollen count is higher – usually lasting for several weeks at a time.


Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but it’s essential to make sure that you aren’t letting your stress levels get too high. If they do become unmanageable, this can lead to all sorts of health issues, including headaches. When we are stressed out, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol which causes inflammation in the body – this includes in the brain, where it can result in headache pain.


Noise can be a major cause of headaches, especially if you are in an environment where it is loud all the time. For example, if your office or workspace is too noisy, consider moving to another room or location – being around so much noise can put added stress on your body, which may result in headache pain.

Neck and shoulder muscles

Headaches can also be caused by tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. This is another common cause of headache pain, so make sure to get a massage or take some time for self-care every once in a while! Massages are great because they help release endorphins, which aid with stress levels and may actually reduce the amount of headache pain you feel.

What to do if you have a headache?

Keep away from sharp lights and loud sounds

Sharp lights and loud sounds can make a headache worse. If you have a terrible headache, try to find somewhere where it is nice and dark or turn off the radio while you relax with your eyes closed. You can learn more about the importance of looking after your hearing to make sure you never accidentally compromise it!

Hydrate yourself

As we discussed earlier, dehydration can be a major cause of headaches. If you’re dehydrated and don’t drink enough water to replenish yourself, this may lead to headache pain. So make sure that you always have plenty of fluids on hand wherever you go!

Try to relax

Stress, as we discussed earlier, is a common cause of headache pain. If you can find some time to relax and take your mind off of things for a while, this may help reduce the amount of stress you’re feeling, resulting in lessening or eliminating your terrible headaches.

Heat pack or cold pack

A heat or cold pack can be an excellent tool for relieving headache pain. If you’re suffering from chronic headaches, it may be beneficial to purchase one of these and carry it around with you just in case your head starts hurting!

What’s the difference between a headache and a migraine?

A headache is a common condition that affects many, whereas migraine symptoms tend to be more severe. A headache can last for anywhere from an hour or two up to several days. While it may cause some pain and discomfort, this isn’t always the case – sometimes headaches are so mild that they don’t even bother you. On the other hand, migraines typically involve intense head pain as well as all sorts of other symptoms such as nausea, visual disturbances (like seeing bright spots), weakness in one side of your body, etc. Most people who suffer from migraines experience these symptoms during certain times throughout their lives but not every day!

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