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Customer Service in the 21st Century

As a 35 year old have been in customer service for most of my life. I have worked in banking, in furniture stores and at my local Walmart. I have also worked in a call center, I was yelled at a lot by frustrated customers.  When it comes to customer service is is all about customer success. This describes how you act with a customer, how they respond to your company and how you can keep that customer coming back. This may seem like no big deal, but if you have worked in customer service you know how horrible an angry customer can be. Your job though, is to make sure there problem is solved and will come back as a customer again.

Why is it important to know your customer?

Many companies use customer success software that will help them find out more about their customers wants, needs and actions. This information is then put into policy formation and marketing.  This research can help to let a company know where their customers stand on issues and product information. A company can also see what customers would like to have in the product and what needs to be taken out and redone.

When companies use a customer success platform that helps them see what there customers want. They can then put the information into action in a way that is beneficial for the company and the customers. Happy customers mean less of a headache during work and more productivity. There were times when I worked at the call center that I would spend over 40 minutes on the phone with a customer. Most of the time they just wanted to vent because they were mad at the company. They did not understand that I could not help them, but that they needed to contact someone by email. The way that company was set up was not helpful to the customer and made the process of finding a solution to the customers problem more difficult.

Dealing with people and the constantly changing policy’s of customer service is something not everyone understands. The 21st century has introduced many ways to help companies know their customers, reach out to those customers and build better long lasting relationships. They may use email contact, web forms or surveys to get to know what their customers need or want. Really it’s all about making the customers life easier and in the process provide long term success for the company.

Have you worked in customer service before, what was your best memory of working?

2 thoughts on “Customer Service in the 21st Century

  1. I worked as a technical service representative for a year and I agree with you 100%. Companies should invest in customer success platforms to better understand how to deal with consumers. It will make transactions, troubleshooting, and other customer service processes easier.

  2. I totally agree with this. The 21st century has helped businesses a lot in terms of knowing their customers. It makes their information gathering easier than before–resulting them producing better products that suit consumers. Anyways, this is one informative content. Cheers!

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