It seems that the harder I try the farther I fall. I’m currently unemployed and yes I had to quit my job. Anxiety and sales don’t mix and since I had a 4 hour daily drive to work I deiced my life and the life’s of others was not worth it. If I wasn’t shaking for half of my drive, I found myself thinking I should just run this car into a tree and then I won’t have to deal with any of this mess anymore. Lets just say I did not like the thoughts going though my head.
That was a month ago, now I am sitting here wondering why I went to school and spent $100,000 on my education that I will never use. I love interior design, but where I live there is no call for it and I can’t move to where there is, not that I could get a job if I did. Bankruptcy is not an option because, well they won’t let you file on student loans. Right now I’m looking at never buying a home, never renting a home, never moving out of my mothers home and living on the street after she dies. All because I did the right thing and I went to college.
My advice to high school grads, skip college and go work in fast food. Managers make around $30,000-$60,000 a year without the debt of college. Only go to school if you have scholarships or can pay for it without loans.
I know many of you may be thinking well why didn’t you do that. Well I was told I would have a job out of college, I was told this was the right thing to do. I was told that it would be easy to make the money to pay this all back and I was told that I was good enough to get a well paying job.
My problem: I choose the wrong school and career
Now I didn’t choose a bad school, but in order to get anywhere in interior design your school needs to bee FIDER accredited, it’s a group of people that decide what programs are the best and meet their expectations. Employers did not start really using this until I had been in school for a year. It’s annoying that my school refuses to be accredited.
Now I’m sharing this because I want to complain and whine and make you feel sorry for me. I’m saying this because I know I’m not the only one dealing with this. I have an unless that does not qualify me for help. I have diabetes that’s expensive and I have all of these loans. It’s a lot for someone who is just 30 to deal with. I look at the rest of my life and I think, why continue? There’s no way out of all of this, yet banks get bailouts they use to pay bonuses and students struggle to pay banks money they don’t deserve, since they can’t use their money in a constructive way.
Here is my worry and I have heard this same worry from others. People who owe a lot in student loans will not buy houses, will not buy new cars and will not have family’s. I want a family, but for me to have one I will have to live off welfare, at this point I almost don’t care and I might just do it. I did what I was suppose to and it didn’t work. Why do I have to lose out on the only thing I ever really wanted in life, children, just because banks decided to drive us into this horrible economy and ruin my life along with the life’s of others. .
Are you a graduate also struggling with student loans? How are you dealing with them. Share your story with us.
Read about the student loan struggle
Student loans leave crushing debt burden