It’s probably a good thing that we don’t give a lot of thought about what we would do during and after an accident when we get in our cars to drive to work each morning. After all, it could make driving a lot scarier if we think about the damage and injury that could occur if something went wrong, all of the time.
Of course, when an accident does actually happen, these things zoom into sharp focus, and they can prove incredibly costly as well. Unless you follow the advice in my post below, that is!
Roadside assistance
If you have ever had a minor accident on the road, you will know that you need to call roadside assistance to come and collect your vehicle. Both because it stops it creating a backlog in the flow of traffic and because they can deliver your car to your home or to a garage for repairs.
Sadly, such services can be expensive, especially if you need to call on the out of hours! You can, however, save on such costs, by ensuring that you have a membership to a roadside assistance service ahead of time. Something that usually only cost a few dollars a month. In fact, sometimes you can even get memberships as part of your bank account package, meaning you effectively pay nothing!
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Replacement vehicle
When it comes to less serious accidents, you can run into some grave problems after the event. One of these is that although thankfully no one was hurt badly, your vehicle can still end up being beaten up. Something that means it will need to be repaired.
Of course, this then leaves you without a car to drive, and this can make it very difficult to get around or to work. Happily, there is a $0 solution, if the accident you were in was not your responsibility. In fact, you can now get access to a service known as not at fault car hire, which will provide you with a vehicle until your own is repaired or replaced. Something that means you won’t have to dip into your own pocket for rental costs.
Medical bills
Lastly, even in minor vehicle accidents, it is possible for the driver or passengers to sustain an injury, albeit less serious. Whiplash being one of the most common problems.
Obviously, even minor injuries will need to be assessed and treated, and this is rarely ever cheap. In fact, you can incur medical bills of hundreds of dollars just for assessment, x-rays, and referral to a physical therapist.
Of course, one option that can help to save you money here’s to find a free clinic or walk-in center that offers the treatment you need. Alternatively, for those involved in accidents that were not their fault, paying with your savings or medical credit at the time, and then making an insurance claim against the driver who’s fault it was after the fact is something that can help you reclaim the costs involved and ensure that you do not end up out of pocket.