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First Rooms To Decorate When You Buy A Home

If you’ve just bought a new home, then huge congratulations are in order. You’ve dealt with the solicitors such as Simon Law, you’ve spent a fortune on the move, and the removal van has been sent back. It’s easy to get lost in amongst the chaos of moving home, but once you have moved in the next exciting step is to start making your new house a home. But where to begin? Obviously, it all depends on the condition of the home you’ve bought, but if you don’t have urgent repairs that need doing then here are some ideas on where you can start with your homemaking efforts. 

Children’s bedrooms

If you have children you will know that moving house is always a little more complicated, whether you’re staying in the same area or not, the adjustment period for children can be emotional. So one of the main things to do is place everything into the children’s’ bedrooms and let them arrange everything to their liking. Allowing them to be involved in the design of their room and the colour schemes will give them a real sense of home, and also encourage them to feel comfortable enough to actually sleep well. Which is a bonus for everyone involved! A rested child is a happy child! 

Photo by russn_fckr on Unsplash


The living room is somewhere that you can relax and spend all of your spare time if you use it as an entertainment room or a quiet space to read books that’s the beauty of having your own space. You can personalise your space with different colour walls, accessories and the most unique furniture. The world is your oyster, and all those ideas that are personal to you that a landlord might not allow are perfectly fine now. Bright orange curtains with a blue wall? Why not. But there are millions of photos online you can draw inspiration from, there are Pinterest boards and amazing Facebook groups that people share their designs and ideas. It’s lovely to be able to see so many ideas and try new things, you can really have fun working out your own unique style and make a warm and comfortable place for you and your family. 


Now this one will depend quite a lot on whether you enjoy cooking or not, but if you do enjoy spending time in the kitchen, it is essential to make sure the environment you’re cooking in is comfortable and works for you. Even just placing the pots and pans in an easily accessible place, everything organised, and the right place for you will give you a great sense of ‘home’.

Obviously, the decor of the kitchen, including the accessories and appliances, can make a huge difference too. If your new home has an outdated kitchen and you’re looking at replacing the whole thing, then the latest kitchen technology and design features may surprise you. LED lighting, amazing new digital appliances (including fridge freezers that can access social media), and modern units that come in all shapes and colours, new designs are appearing all the time, and you’ll be amazed at the opportunities. 

Your Bedroom

Everyone needs a good night’s sleep to be able to function effectively, and ‘sleep hygiene’ plays a big part in getting the right amount of rest at the end of a long day. Ensuring you unpack your boxes as soon as possible when you get home is the best way to get started. Adding some effective lighting, some of your favorite color bedding, accent color cushions and making sure you have storage for all of your belongings, and some personal photos or favorite artwork will create a safe space for you to rest and recuperate. As well as all this the bedroom furniture could be one of the most essential parts of your new house.

Where you spend a recommended 8 hours per night matters a little, if you’re spending time on an uncomfortable bed, you’re going to end up feeling unhappy and possibly in pain. So do some research and make sure you’re choosing the right mattress for you. There are usually some fantastic offers on at the furniture stores at certain times of the year so make sure you make the most of those sales and add some extra beautiful pieces to your home too! 

You have a blank canvas, spend time drawing up plans, discussing them with your family and making sure your new house feels like yours and quickly. You have been through the stressful parts, so why not allow yourself to have fun and get creative!

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