Everyone goes through their struggles and this past year and a half have likely been the toughest for many. The pandemic has taken a lot out of the world but it has reminded us that it’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost. With that being said, here are five tips to look after yourself this year. Make this year an opportunity to focus on yourself and take care of your body and mind.

Prioritize Free Time
Firstly, ask yourself, are you getting enough free time to yourself? There’s a lot of prioritizing work and other people but when do you do the same for yourself? The answer to this for many people will likely be very little. We often feel guilty when taking out time for ourselves and doing something that we enjoy whether that’s doing something that costs nothing or treating ourselves. This guilt isn’t something that you should be feeling when it comes to looking after your health and wellbeing.
By prioritizing some time to yourself, you are making that time to spend on yourself and you alone. What you choose to do with your time’s up to you. Perhaps you’ll spend an afternoon reading a book or going to your favorite place to eat in the evening. Make time for yourself because in order to be good for others, you need to be good to yourself. You can learn a lot about yourself by spending time alone and with your thoughts.
Check-In On Your Mental Wellbeing
Your mental wellbeing goes hand in hand with your physical body. It’s important that you’re checking in on your mental wellbeing as much as you are looking after your physical health. It can be difficult to talk about your mental wellbeing as it often has a stigma attached to it. Many don’t actually know how to properly communicate how they’re feeling so they’ll either push it aside or bottle it up until it ends up exploding.
There are many ways in which you can check in on your mental wellbeing. Asking yourself if you need a break every so often to ask for help from friends or family. For some, you might not like the idea of talking about your mental health to those you know so consider approaching a therapist. This can be just as helpful and may enable you to open up about things that have been on your mind.
Be Wary Of Your Surroundings
Always be wary of your surroundings because unsurprisingly we’re not invincible. We’re actually very vulnerable as humans and so extra care and caution should be taken in everything that you do. When it comes to looking after yourself, take care in things like driving and when working within environments that might be dangerous or carry risks. Otherwise, you may have to be on the lookout for a respected personal injury law firm to help you out.
It doesn’t take much extra to be a little more cautious in life and it could help you reduce the risks of injury to your body at any point in your lifetime.
Eat Well & Exercise
Looking after your body is something you need to focus on doing every day and whether it’s through eating well, exercising or both, it can help you live a longer and healthier life. Eating well is all about having foods you enjoy but eating in moderation.
This involves both the portion sizes of meals but also foods that are good for you and foods that might not be as healthy as they could be. It’s important to have the right balance and to enjoy food for what it is, rather than to simply see it as a source of fuel. Food should be fun and you should enjoy what you eat.
Exercise is obviously another important one and something you should look at in terms of the type of sports or exercise you enjoy. Again, doing something you enjoy is going to make it easier than doing exercise you hate.
Learn To Say No
Learning to say no is very difficult because yes is a very easy answer to give. When it comes to looking after yourself, it’s good to be better at saying no and allowing yourself that opportunity to do. You should also not feel guilty for saying no because no one can do everything at once.
Looking after yourself this year needs to be a priority for many people, so use this opportunity to take care of yourself in 2021.