So even though we’ve moved through a sizeable chunk of everyone’s favorite season, there is still a whole heap of summertime sun that you can squeeze out to set you up for the rest of this year. It’s been tough and don’t we all know it, but Summer doesn’t just represent beach days and lazy hours under blue skies, it’s the perfect season to harness all sorts of the planet’s awesome creative energy – and set you and your family up for future success. So get some ice tea and let’s get started.

It’s not a coincidence that some of our most productive months of the year are in summer. Think about it, this is the time when our sports stars are shining, the tourism industry comes back to life and all around us, there is a general acceptance that excitement is about. It shouldn’t come as a surprise at all, Vitamin D has a powerful role to play in this seasonal state of bliss and, the overall effects of longer days more fresh air, and generally greater amounts of activity have a massive role to play in our mental state.
So it stands to reason then, that this is also a wonderful time of year to get things done! From home improvement projects, remodeling the guest house, sorting out your garden, starting a new business, or generally reconnecting with your life, there’s no better season to do it than the summer.
Regardless of what the last year may have looked like, it’s time to leave the past where it belongs and to get busy focusing on what we want next summer to look like and what that means, is that it’s time to pull out your vision boards, prayer boards, and year planners because if you take this post to heart, you’re going to be in for a fabulous season.
Before you can even contemplate how to work out your next year, you first have to know what your “it” is – put another way, what are your reasons why? Why do you want a career change, why do you want to reorganize your daily planning? Why do you need that passive income? Why are you starting a business? All of these are very good “whys” and knowing that is the start. So take some time to get to know your why. After all, he who knows their “why” can endure any “how”.
No, there is not a “with” missing in that heading, we mean literally celebrate your family and friends. No one is meant to live as an island and if we have just one takeaway from the current global situation it should be that treasuring and celebrating the people closest to us, should be the priority – not just the material “stuff”.
You don’t need to have 20 people sitting at your table to do this, but it helps to have the people who have mattered the most to you. Reconnecting with our inner circle reminds us of who we are and what we have to be grateful for and there is no better way to do this than with good weather, good wine, and great food. So open a good bottle of red to let it breathe, a chickpea salad is an easy-to-make summer favorite and great for sharing, get into the great outdoors and celebrate the people who make your life tick.
Now that the summer days around us are slowly getting shorter, the winds of change are yet about to usher in the fall and with the change of season comes a wonderful opportunity to have a change of heart where it may be necessary and to start looking ahead. An attitude of gratitude starts with loving what you have, not missing what you don’t.
If you’re on a budget like most of us, it’s time to start planning for the holidays and how you’re going to financially navigate a time of year that is traditionally geared towards too much of everything. But we have all learned the value of being a good financial steward and while it may be tempting to indulge as a reward for enduring what has been, it’s also the perfect time to instill a sense of gratitude and appreciation in our families.
Summertime is a wonderful opportunity to To reconnect with our environment and reestablish what means the most to us. Create an opportunity for your family to get involved in planning what the next period is going to look like for your family and then get excited about it all, because in just a short year, it’s going to be summer 2022 and one of the best years of your life, would have started, right now.