When you are just starting out in your pursuit of being fit, your stamina really doesn’t need to be the best that it can be. You need to make sure that you take your time and that you also don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you can do this then you will soon find that you are able to come out on top.
Stick to Multiples of 10
The first thing that you need to do is try and do 10 of everything. This may mean doing 10 sit-ups and then 10 press-ups. It doesn’t even matter if they are consecutive because all that matters is that you can do them.
If you then find the sets of 10 to be too easy you can then up to them over time. Of course, if you need some more structure then you can easily go to a personal trainer to see if they can lend you some support. If you are unable to work out because of an injury, then try and look into medical neglect.
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Stand Up Every Hour
You have probably read the reports about how sitting down all day can be really bad for you, and this is most certainly the case, so you do need to make sure that you try and get up every hour or so. If you don’t then you may find that you are just not able to exercise as much as you’d like and this is the last thing that you need.
Walk for 20 Minutes a Day
Another thing that you need to do is walk for around 20 minutes every day. If you are able to do this then you will really boost your fitness levels. If you aren’t sure how to start getting your minutes in, then you need to try and walk to work or even take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Believe it or not, little things like this can really add up and it can also work wonders for your fitness overall. Getting a puppy is also a fantastic way for you to get out of the house.
Don’t Get Too Down
It’s easy to feel demotivated when you are putting so much work in but not seeing results. If you want to help yourself here, then you need to stop focusing on how much weight you aren’t losing. Instead, focus on how your workouts are getting stronger and that you are able to get more reps done. This will motivate you and it will also make it way easier for you to really get into your workout.
Get an App
Another thing that you can do is download an app to help you track your results. The best thing about downloading an app is that it is completely free, and it can also help you to document the workouts that you are doing, and it also helps you to see where you can push yourself more as well.
If you aren’t sure which app you should download, then simply go to the app store and look out for the ones which are rated the highest. This will really help you to get the best result.