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How to Maintain Your Perfect Smile

People often say that the first thing that one person notices about another is their smile, and of course, their teeth.  But even if you do have a pretty perfect smile there are a number of problems that can still occur in your mouth. 

So what steps can you take to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy and your mouth is as fresh as possible. 

Finding the right dentist for you

You need your dentist to inspire confidence and trust, along with a friendly ‘chair-side’ manner. People can be extremely nervous at the thought of getting their teeth checked. 

Some treatments are uncomfortable, but if you discuss your fears with your dentist they should be sympathetic and offer you some mild sedation. 

If you don’t feel your dentist is friendly and approachable, then it is quite acceptable to change to a different one. Don’t be unhappy with either your dentist or the way he treats you. 

Ask around your friends and neighbors for recommendations, do some research and read the reviews before you decide.  

Regular Brushing

It goes without saying that you should brush your teeth first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and at any other time during the day when you have eaten spicy, or highly flavored food.

Brushing with a good quality toothbrush and toothpaste, plus a generous swish of mouthwash is advisable to minimize plaque forming between your teeth and to keep your gums healthy

If debris is left to lodge in any cavities, it adheres to the enamel and can contribute towards gum disease, which can be unpleasant and cause your gums to bleed. 

Regular Trips to the Hygienist

It’s one thing to keep your 6 monthly check-ups with your dentist, but a different type of check-up is carried out by the hygienist, who will clean and polish your teeth, and flush out any plaque that may have formed despite your regular brushing. 

Things like coffee, red wine, and cigarettes can stain your teeth really badly, which you often don’t notice, and it’s only after they have been scaled and polished by the hygienist, that you can see the difference. 

There is no better feeling than running your tongue over newly cleaned teeth, you can almost feel the shine!

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Whilst most people don’t look forward to their dental check-ups, it is so important not to miss them. 

Any decay can be quickly spotted and corrected, and any signs of disease or unusual spots on your gums can be investigated. Sometimes you may need some corrective treatment such as wisdom tooth removal, which is quite a common problem, and if not caught early enough can lead to pain and swelling.  

Children should be encouraged from an early age to allow the dentist to check their teeth, and this can be treated as quite an adventure whilst sitting in a chair that does so many interesting things. 

 Your relationship with your dentist is as important as the one you establish with your Doctor, so choose wisely, and attend all your check-ups, to ensure you keep your memorable smile.

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