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Is Cheese A Healthy Food To Eat?

Cheese is up there as one of the most popular foods you can find – and also one of the most common. So many things include cheese nowadays, and there are loads of different ways to eat it, making it such an easy snack to munch on. There’s often a big debate surrounding cheese and its impact on your health. Can it be considered a healthy food? Well, let’s find out!

Cheese is high in calcium

Calcium is a key mineral that’s needed to help your bones grow big and strong. Cheese is one of the best sources of this, and many young children are actively encouraged to eat cheese to help with bone development. It also contains phosphorus, which is essential for bone health, as well as many other vitamins. 

Cheese is a great protein source

Similarly, cheese is one of the best whole foods for protein. The muscles in our bodies are made up of protein, so we need a lot of it to ensure they continue to grow. In terms of protein by the gram, cheese is one of the best things out there. For context, a regular ball of mozzarella can contain around 20-30g of protein – that’s on par with a chicken breast!

Cheese can protect your oral health

Not many people know this, but dentists recommend that you eat cheese after you’ve been snacking on some sugary treats. This is because it can neutralize the acids in your mouth, preventing cavities from forming. As it mentions here: https://genesisdental.com/locations/south-jordan/, oral health is essential in the long run when it comes to your teeth. Take care of your oral health, and your teeth will stay in place for longer and be free from cavities. Eating cheese can help with this!

Cheese is high in fats

As well as being packed full of protein and calcium, cheese is very high in fat. This can be both a good or bad thing – depending on how you look at it. Some cheeses can contain a lot of saturated fat, which a few health experts are still on the fence about. There are links between saturated fat and heart disease when eaten in abundance. However, there are also links suggesting this isn’t something to worry about. 

Cheese is calorific

As a result of being high in fat, cheese is also high in calories. This makes it a potentially troublesome food if you are hoping to lose weight. It’s so easy to eat cheese as well, meaning you can quickly consume hundreds of calories without even realizing it. 

So, is cheese a healthy food to eat? Generally, yes, it is. If you eat it in moderation, you can reap the rewards without worrying about the potential negatives. Also, you can always find low-fat variations of your favorite cheeses, making them even healthier. Choosing how to eat your cheese is also important. Having some slices on its own will be fine, but eating pizza with melted cheese on it can’t really be considered healthy. All things considered, cheese is healthy when eaten in moderation!

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