I was so excited to get this cute monkey costume to review. My nephew is such a cute little baby and I just had to have some fun making him even more cute! I mean really his chubby cheeks were just screaming Make Me A Monkey!!
Okay maybe not, but he is still so adorable it’s so hard not to want to jump though the screen and give him a huge auntie hug.
What I have to say I love most about this cute Halloween Monkey costume is that it’s very well made. I have a feeling this is going to be passed down a few times in my family, it is that well made. It’s also very warm, so if your in an area where it’s usually nice for Halloween you may want to skip this one. For those of us who usually see snow on Halloween, this is a great costume for your little one. Of course depending on how cold it gets you may still have to add a few layers, but the costume itself is a really good top layer!
It does come with gloves, but we just don’t have them on in this picture, he really was not very happy about wearing the costume, but that has more to do with him liking just a diaper and hating all clothing, not the costume itself.
So would this be something you would get your baby??? Why or why not?