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Life and Health Update

It’s been a while since I wrote a more personal post. Many things have been happening and I have been crazy busy. There is some good news, some not so good news and some life changes. First my...

Life Changes and a New Path

Tomorrow I go to see a new doctor. I am excited as I am not very happy with my old one. She did not listen to me, she just seemed to care more about keeping me on a bunch of medications, who cared if...

Offline Dating Update One

A couple of weeks ago I decided to delete my online dating profiles and try to meet some men in the real world. I thought that maybe it was just the guys that I found online who for some reason...

Exploring The Monster of Anxiety

Image Credit http://panicfreeme.com/3448/dealing-with-anxiety/ As many of you know I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder last year, though I am sure I have had it most of my life I have yet to go...