Ah, pets! Aren’t they adorable? Most pet owners opt for a cat or a dog, and it’s fair to say that our feline and canine darlings are sometimes the closest thing we’ve got to a friend. The bond between the pet owner and the animal can’t be compared to any other relationship. It runs at a much deeper level; your pet instinctively understands how you feel. Additionally, petting your furry friend can significantly improve your mood and even your heart rate.
But despite the connection between you, you can’t always trust your dog or your cat to behave reasonably at home. Some pet owners have come back to scenes of violent destruction after having left their pet at home for the day, from destroyed furniture to chewed up shoes, and dirty paw prints on the carpet. Your pets could be like my two and destroy half your home, but you still love them anyway.
If you’ve never had a pet before, you might find it shocking to discover how much a small animal can do so much damage in a relatively short amount of time. But you can learn from the expertise of other owners who have the following recommendations for your Pet that Destroys Everything:

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You can invest in gear that prevents a mess
From paw prints to toys scattered all over the place, it sometimes feels as if you didn’t live at home anymore! But you can encourage your pet to develop good habits. For instance, your furry friend needs a bed to call their own; this will also provide a storage spot for their toys. For excited pups, do make sure to look for anti-tracking puppy pads which will make a significant difference to your interior management! You can also make sure to add a thick doormat by the garden door to catch some of the loose dirt that might be on your pet’s paw. Additionally, a scratching pole can also help young cats to keep their paws and claws clean, which means you’ve got a lot less to clean!
Accept they’re bored and it’s your responsibility
While you might find some shows on Netflix stimulating, your pet needs regular exercise to stay on top of their mental, emotional and physical stimulation. As a pet owner, you can’t afford to ignore their needs. A dog or a cat who’s bored is likely to cause mayhem as a source of entertainment. Making sure your dog gets the exercise it needs is your responsibility – you can go outside for a play in the garden, for instance. Similarly, while it can be tricky to play with cats in the garden, you can make sure they have plenty of toys that keep them busy and happy. Dog chewing on cushions

I need to nip out…
Ultimately, both cats and dogs can feel stressed out if you leave them alone for too long. A puppy, for instance, can develop separation anxiety and exhibits destructive tendencies if you leave him alone for more than 2 hours a day. While cats are more independent, they also need your presence to feel happy and reassured. Kittens shouldn’t be left without supervision for more than 4 hours. Healthy adult felines can stay up to 2 days alone, but they might get bored or run out of food or water.
When your pet leaves a path of destruction, it’s a message to their owner. Whether they felt nervous or they lacked entertainment, you need to take responsibility too. You can avoid day-to-day damage with the appropriate gear and training, but never push your luck by leaving your pet alone for too long!