A sore throat can feel unbearable. Irritation and itching are mild symptoms, and even they are difficult to ignore. The pain can also range from mild to extreme, and it can make it difficult to swallow food or even speak.
Fortunately, a sore throat is easily manageable and treatable. Here are tips for managing your sore throat at home.

Natural Remedies for Sore Throat
You can easily manage sore throat using a range of common natural ingredients lying around at home. Great remedies include:
1. Salt Water
Salt helps in two ways. First, it is a natural anti-bacterial that will naturally kill the bacteria causing the infection. Second, salt sucks in the fluids around it, and this helps reduce the swelling and ease the pressure, irritation, and general discomfort.
This remedy is also simple: dissolve salt in warm water and gargle vigorously. It is also recommendable to gargle regularly, at least every three hours depending on your infection’s severity.
2. Honey
Honey is classified as a superfood because of its wide range of nutritional and health benefits. Most notably, it is a natural anti-bacterial that has been traditionally used to heal wounds. These anti-bacterial properties kill the bacteria causing your sore throat. It also helps heal any wounds and tissue damages that may have been caused by irritation and coughing. To this end, honey is recommended as more effective for coughing than medicinal cough suppressants.
You can take honey alone or mix it with a range of beverages. It is especially recommendable to use it with hot tea and take it regularly – nutritionists recommend taking it at least three times per day.
3. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It is also rich in astringent properties. It helps soothe and treat a range of conditions, including sore throat. It doesn’t have anti-bacterial properties, but it helps soothe the pain and ease the irritation. Most importantly, it stimulates the natural immune system to fight the bacteria causing the throat infection.
The two popular methods of using chamomile are inhalation and ingestion. Inhaling warm chamomile steam opens the sinuses and helps soothe the irritation in your sore throat. Drinking it offers similar benefits quicker.
4. Baking Soda
Baking soda works much like salt and water. It contains anti-bacterial properties that help kill the infection-causing bacteria. However, it is more effective when combined with a solution of salt and water. To this end, the National Cancer Institute recommends mixing a ¼ teaspoon of baking soda with 1/8th teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water.
Baking soda is also more effective when used regularly, at least every three hours. Remember to rinse after gargling to get rid of the bland taste.
5. Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is not rich in anti-bacterial properties. Instead, it works as pain relief, easing the pain and irritation as your throat heals. The roots contain a thick substance that coats the throat, easing the friction and making it feel less irritable. It can offer relief for hours at a time.
Marshmallow root should be boiled in hot water – or a light beverage – to bring out the gel. It is also recommendable to drink the solution at least three times daily to make the effects last.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has a large scientific backing on its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Several studies confirm its efficiency, and it is effective for wounds more severe than a sore throat. It breaks up the mucus that hosts the infection-causing bacteria in your throat, flushing the bacteria down with it.
Apple cider vinegar works best when diluted in hot water (or a beverage of your choice). One or two spoons are enough for a cup of water. Additionally, don’t make the common mistake of drinking it – gargle it vigorously at least twice per hour. It is also advisable to drink lots of water in between the gargling sessions.
When to See a Doctor
Some sore throat symptoms are too aggressive to treat at home. What’s more, sore throat can be a symptom of a more severe condition. To this end, it is important to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist or are too severe to bear. It is also recommendable to consult a doctor if you have allergies that may limit your range of natural remedy options.
A doctor will perform a thorough medical exam to determine the condition’s level of severity. It is also worth noting that prescription medicine works faster and is more effective than most natural remedies. Click here to learn more about when and why to see a doctor.