My Review of Scent of Roses
I wasn’t sure what to think of this book at first. I had this idea from the first chapter that this was going to be a great story, and it was, but it ended up being so different from what I expected it to be! It’s a different kind of love story and it’s a great mix of romance, mystery and a little bit of paranormal.
The book introduces us to whip while he’s managing the mine that his partner and him run. There is an accident and whip blames his partner, they scuffle and part ways, but when whip comes home to find his partner dead things start to change. He is forced into hiding just as a new women appears in his life. When I read this first section I thought for sure this would revolve around the mine and everything having to do with running one, I was so wrong!
The good news is scent of roses really is a fun story, full of mystery and romance. It’s a story where you learn a lot about people.. both alive and dead.
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Charlene began her writing life at an early age, often penning stories where she cast herself as the heroine. It was after college when she dug out her old college typewriter and started her first novel, which came from a spirited dream she’d had the pervious night.
While that book never sold, her second novel did. Tender Touch became a Golden Heart finalist and earned her an agent who signed the book, and two others, in a three book contract with Kensington Publishing. Kensington went onto publish five of Charlene’s western historical romances: Taming Jenna (1994); Tender Touch (1994 Golden Heart Finalist); Forever Mine (1996 Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice Award Nominee and Affaire de Coeur Reader/Writer Poll finalist); To Have and To Hold (1997); and as Rachel Summers, The Scent of Roses (1999).
Charlene took a break from publishing, but not from writing. A Kiss and A Dare is Charlene’s first paranormal romance.
Divine Gamble is Charlene’s latest work and won first place in the western historical category of the 2010 Romance Through The Ages contest.
When Charlene isn’t writing, she loves to travel, do genealogy, digital scrapbooking and dyes eggs in the Ukrainian style. And she enjoys camping and fishing with her husband in the Utah wilderness.
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Sounds like something I would really enjoy to read, glad you enjoyed it x
Lovely review. Thank you so much.