Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. It is a day to honor our earth, our home and learn to treat her better then we have been. You may wonder what the
According to, we have been celebrating earth day since 1970 when people decided we needed to do something about the way we were treating our planet. The environmental movement was born and the celebration of earth day was started.
On April 22,
As a child in school during the late
Earth day use to be a day you heard about often, it was celebrated and embraced. Over the last few years though I see less and less about it and I’m not sure I like that trend.
Earth day reminds us that we need to take care of our planet, we need to keep planting trees and other plants and stop trying to chop it all down in the name of progress. Earth day not only teaches our children about the earth and global warming and how what we do affects other animals on this planet.
As I sit here this earth day watching the news that has yet to mention it’s earth day. I wonder what has happened to taking care of our planet and what we are going to do if we start ignoring what our progress does to the only place we have to call home.