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The Potters Lady Book Review

When I first saw this book I was drawn to the cover. I love that this women looks real and the scenery just pulled me into learning more. For me a great cover makes or breaks a book. I have to want to flip it over and read the back, or with online books as least want to click on it to learn more. This book made me look deeper and I am very happy I did!

What I love about this book is that it is such a heartwarming story, with a bit of real word evil thrown in. Rose is a visionary artist and is very excited to help her brother with a new family business after another was taken from him. They set out to turn a run down pottery into a success, but even with drastic changes it seems her and her brother just can’t get anything right. What they don’t know is that there are a few people close to them trying their best to make sure the pottery does not succeed.

Thrown into this mix of events is Ryan a man who has worked at the pottery for a long time and wants to see it thrive. When Rose and Ryan have to work together for a contest that will help the pottery Rose starts to see Ryan in a whole new light. A touch of romance brings a bit more interest to this already interesting story.

This is a christen novel, but what I love most about it is that it does not preach to you. It’s the wonderful ideals that everyone should have thrown into a great life and love story. The ending is wonderful and you find yourself hoping and hoping thing will work out for Rose and Ryan.

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