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Top 5 Beauty Bloggers You Need to Check Out

It was late last year that I signed up with a Beauty company to sell makeup and really I signed up only to get the discount on the products. I thought I knew a lot about makeup, but have since realized I really didn’t. I want to look my best and now I have decided to try to do something with My Beauty business so I can help others be their best too. With that realization I went on a search for Beauty Bloggers. I knew I needed to up my skills in order to really showcase the products I sell.

That is when I found these amazing Beauty Bloggers! I just started checking out You Tube and after a few tries I landed on these wonderful ladies.

Christen Dominique

I went looking for a good glam makeup tutorial and I found this fun lady. Not only is she on point with her makeup, but she makes it all a ton of fun. She’s a bit goofy and is not afraid to be herself.  I have learned a lot from her in just a short time and am so happy I managed to click to her video.

Mayra Isabel

I found Mayra aka mayratouchofglam, when I was looking for a good eyebrow tutorial. I have very light and sparse brows, I also wear a wig and need to make my brows match my hair color daily. I found her tutorials very helpful and do really recommend her to anyone looking for an easy way to fill in their brows

(check this post out if you would like to know more about why I wear a wig: Life, Love and Wigs: A Struggle with Hair Loss)


Jaclyn Hill

Jaclyn is another fun gal who I found while looking for wedding makeup. I hope at some point to provide wedding makeup services with my Beauty company. I had no idea where to began and Jaclyn showed me so much in the first video I watched that I had to subscribe and watch more!

Princess Bellaaa

I love this women! I found Princess Bellaaa when I was looking for something different I found her tutorial on Dramatic Sunset Makeup and loved the look. Then I couldn’t stop watching. I love the fun funky looks she comes up with and am working on perfecting them.

Nicol Concilio

This last Beauty influencer I found while looking for a good natural everyday makeup look. Everyone does this differently, but I really found Nicol entertaining and a lot of fun, I learned a lot and also just had to keep watching her other videos too!


What Beauty Bloggers do you love to check out? Share them in the comments

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