After a busy day, there’s nothing quite like sitting down to enjoy a massive bowl of ramen soup. It’s comforting, tastes great, and is surprisingly simple to make.
The only problem with ramen, though, is that it isn’t that great for you – at least not regular ramen. As far as I can tell, there are three main problems:
- The sauce is too salty, sending your blood pressure through the roof
- The noodles are made of refined flour, regardless of whether you go for wheat, rice or soba
- The main flavoring is chunks of meat, usually pork or beef
These three nutritional issues in combination, therefore, serve to make the ramen less healthy than you want.
The good news is that you can make your favorite broths both flavorful and good for you by making a few minor substitutions. Instead of ramming it with salt, you just make your own umami sauce. Rather than using noodles made of refined flour, you go for the whole-grain versions. And instead of using meat, you opt for tofu instead.
Using tofu in ramen makes a lot of sense. Unlike meat, it has an uncanny ability to absorb the surrounding flavors, packing an enormous punch. You get the full taste experience. Nothing about it is bland.
So how do you make healthy, nourishing ramen that will make you feel great? It’s surprisingly easy.

Ultimate Ramen Recipe
- 1 tbsp grapeseed oil
- 5 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
- 2-inch piece of ginger
- 1 yellow onion
- 6 cups of low-salt stock
- 2 tbsp low-sodium tamari sauce
- 0.5 ounces dehydrated shiitake mushroom
- 1 tablespoon miso paste
- 8 ounces whole-grain noodles
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 1 cup pea shoot greens
- 2 cups fresh specialty mushrooms
- 6 ounces of tofu
- Start by heating the grapeseed oil in a large pan. Then add the oil, garlic, onion, and ginger and gently fry on low heat, ensuring that the garlic does not burn.
- Then add the mushrooms and cook until the moisture drains off.
- Add a cup of vegetable broth to the bottom of the pan to deglaze it and use a wooden spoon to remove all the residue from the bottom.
- Add the rest of the broth to the pan, as well as the shiitake, tamari, and miso paste.
- Heat the entire pot to a simmer and then leave it to cook for an hour. This will help to enrich the flavor.
- While that’s going on, prepare your toppings. You could add seared tofu or wilted pea shoots. It really is up to you at this stage.
- 10 minutes before the broth is ready, start cooking the noodles. Add water to a pot and bring to the boil, following the instructions on the packet.
- Strain the noodles and then place them in a bowl. Then add the ramen broth followed by any toppings you prepared.
Making ramen healthy is possible. Please note that while miso is salty, research shows that it doesn’t have the same adverse effects on the body as regular salt.
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