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Why Wind and Solar Power is the Future.

When I was an interior design student I did a lot of research into ways we can improve our environment. Everything from recycling to geothermal energy to wind and solar power. This may sound strange, but it all started with me learning more about sustainable design and I went from there.

There are many reasons I and others believe that wind and solar power is the future. Here are a few reasons why.

Less effect on the environment

Coal and other more traditional forms of providing fuel and electricity to the masses is not very clean. Not only does coal mining affect land use, waste management, water, and air pollution, by stripping the land so that it can be mined. It also can cause health problems for the miners. Read more about the effects of coal here.

Natural gas is cleaner than coal, however, it still does have an effect on the environment. Burning natural gas does produce nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are precursors to smog, However, it is cleaner than the fuel we use in our cars.

Both wind energy and solar do have some impact on the environment in the form of manufacturing pollution. However, once they are installed they are both

Wind energy is clean energy. Though there are some downfalls to it that we need to look at improving. There are minimal effects on wildlife and birds have been caught in the turbine blades. Solar energy is also a cleaner form of energy. It’s the main issue being land use and the materials used to make it.

Companies like Green Mountain Energy offer power with solar and wind energy sources and a renewable energy plan which will help you cut carbon emissions.

Extra income for struggling farmers

Installing wind and solar farms onto currently unused or unfarmable farmland is a great way for farmers to counteract bad crop years. I grew up in farm country and it’s very hard for smaller farmers to bounce back from a bad year.

Electric companies that put up solar and wind farms rent the land from the farmers and that gives those farmers a bit of extra help. Farmland is perfect for wind power and that is why the Midwest is so perfect for this type of resource. You can read more about why Douglas Healy thinks the midwest is perfect for both wind and natural gas.

Cheap or free electric for homeowners

Solar power can offer homeowners relief from high energy costs. There are many cities around the country where having solar would really help and others where it would be more of a choice to move over.

Solar is not cheap to install, however, prices have been going down since solar became popular in 2008. If you are interested in learning more about how you can use solar in your home Check out this Homeowners Guide to Going Solar from energy.gov.

As we learn more about traditional energy impact on our environment we need to find ways to help keep our air clean and our environment growing and green. The best part is that the cost of going green and using wind and solar is constantly decreasing making it so much easier to make the switch. Are you ready?

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