This post is a little late as it’s been a long couple of weeks. My holidays were interrupted by being very short staffed at work, all unplanned and a death in my family last week. My Uncle passed and though at first it was a shock, I soon found myself thinking of all of the wonderful times we had. I didn’t get to see him much, but I always had a good time with him and I realized he would not want any of us mourning him. So I am not, well not really anyway.
That said this Christmas and Holiday season is a bit calm compared to the last few years and today I get to spend time with my fathers family, the side the uncle was on. I am blessed to have a family that still tries to make time to get together this time of year and though today I think it will hit me. I know I’ll be able to think happy thoughts and enjoy this time.
I do hope the rest of you have had a wonderful holiday and have a great new year. I hope to get things back to normal soon and plan on a couple amazing post series for you!